Below is a list of data sets
Cross-Country Manufacturing Energy Intensity data, 1980-2005.
EUKLEMS data linked to IEA Energy Consumption data; 19 OECD countries, 25 Manufacturing sectors.
This dataset is used in Mulder, P. (2015), "International Specialization, Sector Structure and the Evolution of Manufacturing Energy Intensity in OECD Countries", The Energy Journal 36(3), pp. 111-136.
The original dataset is described in Mulder, P. and H.L.F. de Groot (2012). “Structural Change and Convergence of Energy Intensity across OECD Countries, 1970-2005.” Energy Economics 34: 1910–1921. The original dataset is also available at this website as EUKLEMS-Energy.
EUKLEMS_Energy_Manufacturing.xls (623 KB)
Cross-Country Sectoral Energy Intensity data, 1970-2005.
EUKLEMS data linked to IEA Energy Consumption data; 19 OECD countries, 50 sectors.
Energy intensity data for 25 Manufacturing sectors (10 main sectors, 15 subsectors), 23 Services sectors (9 main sectors, 14 subsectors), as well as the sectors Agriculture and Construction; it includes 16 EU member countries, the USA, Japan and South Korea. These data have been used in:
* Mulder, P. and H.L.F. de Groot (2013), Dutch sectoral energy intensity developments in international perspective, 1987–2005, Energy Policy 52, pp. 501-512.
* Mulder, P. and H.L.F. de Groot (2012), Structural change and convergence of energy intensity across OECD countries, 1970–2005, Energy Economics 34, pp. 1910–1921
* Peter Mulder and Henri L.F. de Groot (2011). Energy Intensity across Sectors and Countries: Empirical Evidence 1980-2005, CPB Discussion Paper 171, CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis.
* Peter Mulder and Henri L.F. de Groot (2011), Dutch Sectoral Energy Intensity Developments in International Perspective, 1987-2005, CPB Discussion Paper 190, CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis.
Original data have been taken from the ‘EU KLEMS Growth and Productivity Accounts’ database (, which contain industry-level measures of output, inputs and productivity as well as information on energy inputs, derived from a consistent framework of national accounts and supply-and-use tables and processed according to agreed procedures.
The EUKLEMS energy data (indices) have been linked to physical energy data from the International Energy Agency (IEA) - in order to be able to study not only growth rates but also levels of energy use. More details about data processing can be found in the aforementioned papers.
EUKLEMS-Energy (10.7 MB)
Energy Statistics Mozambique
Data on Electricity, Fuels, Natural Gas and Renewables in Mozambique for the period 2000-2006.
I have collected these data together with my colleagues of the Ministry of Energy, in collaboration with the the Ministry of Planning and Development of the Government of Mozambique. Original data come from the Ministry of Mineral Resources (MIREM) of the Government of Mozambique, and the following companies: Cahora Bassa Hydropower, SARL (HCB), Mozambique Electricity Company E.P. (EDM), Mozambique Transmission Company (MOTRACO), ENMo, ELGAS, SASOL, Matola Gas Company (MGC) and Mozambique Petroleum Import Association (IMOPETRO).
Data 2000-2006 (107 KB)
Brochure 2006 (4.34 MB)