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Batenburg, A., F. Dalla Longa, P. Mulder (2023). Zowel verduurzaming als inkomenssteun nodig om energiekosten te drukken [Both home insulation and income support are needed to reduce energy costs], ESB 31 juli 2023.



Batenburg, A., F. Dalla Longa, P. Mulder (2023). De energiekosten van verschillende typen huishoudens in Nederland. Een onderscheid naar inkomen, eigendomssituatie en woningkwaliteit. [The energy costs of different types of households in the Netherlands - distinction according to income, ownership situation and housing quality.] TNO report 2023 P10493




Croon, T.M., J.S.C.M. Hoekstra, M.G. Elsinga, F. Dalla Longa, P. Mulder (2023). Beyond headcount statistics: Exploring the utility of energy poverty gap indices in policy design. Energy Policy 177, 113579




Mot, E., P. Mulder, N. Phan, V. Schippers, R. Schulenberg, C. Tigchelaar, A. Zwamborn, E. Griffioen (2023). Inkomenseffecten van woningisolatie naar de isolatiestandaard [Income Effects of Home Insulation to the Insulation Standard]. CPB/TNO report.  Link



Maurik, R., P. Mulder, P. Verstraten (2023). Gezondheidskosten en energiearmoede. Een empirische analyse voor Nederland [Health Costs and Energy Poverty. An Empirical Analysis for the Netherlands], TNO report 2023 P10209. 




Mulder, P., A. Batenburg, F. Dalla Longa (2023). Energiearmoede in Nederland 2022; Een actuele inschatting op nationaal en lokaal niveau. [Energy Poverty in the Netherlands 2022. An Assessment at National and Local Level], TNO report 2023 P10210




Mulder, P., F. Dalla Longa, K. Straver (2023). Energy poverty in the Netherlands at the national and local level: A multi-dimensional spatial analysis, Energy Research & Social Science 96, 102892.






Mulder, P., H. Verhoef, G. Geuskens, T. van Bree (2022). Banen in Beeld; Werkgelegenheid gerelateerd aan investeringen in het warmtenet in Rotterdam [Jobs at Sight; Employment effect of investment in the heat network in Rotterdam], TNO 2022 P12298



Mulder, P., V. Rovers (2022). Kopers zijn tevredener over de kwaliteit van hun woning dan huurders [Buyers Are More Satisfied With the Quality of Their Home Than Tenants], ESB 107 (4809S), 86-90.




Mulder, P., H. Boonman, R. Sterkenburg (2022). Klein Aantal Windmolens Veroorzaakt Fors Deel van Woningwaardeverliezen [Small Share of Wind Turbines Causes Majority of House Price Depreciation], ESB 107 (4809), 220-223.  




Mulder, P., H. Boonman, R. Sterkenburg (2022). De verwachte impact van windturbines op huizenprijzen in Nederland. Een ruimtelijke analyse voor de periode 2020-2030 [The Expected Impact of Wind Turbines Facts on House Prices in the Netherlands. A Spatial Analysis for the period 2020-2030], TNO report 2022 P10374. 




Bakens, J., H.L.F. de Groot, R.J.G.M. Florax, P. Mulder (2022). Living Apart Together. The Economic Value of  Ethnic Diversity in Cities. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science.




Mahumane, G.M., P. Mulder (2022). Urbanization of Energy Poverty? The case of Mozambique. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 159, 112089.




Mahumane, G.M., P. Mulder (2022). Urbanization of Energy Poverty? The case of Mozambique. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 159, 112089.






Mulder, P., F. Dalla Longa and K. Straver (2021). Hogere gasprijzen leiden tot energiearmoede bij duizenden extra huishoudens, ESB, 21-05-2021.

Blog [On the impact of the gas price hike on energy poverty].


Janssen, K., P. Mulder, M.H. Yudhistira (2021). Spatial Sorting of Rich versus Poor People in Jakarta. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 58(2), 167-194.




Mulder, P., F. Dalla Longa, K. Straver (2021). De Feiten over Energiearmoede in Nederland; Inzicht op  nationaal en lokaal niveau [The Facts about Energy Poverty in the Netherlands. Insights at national and local level], TNO 2021 P11678. 




Mulder, P., G. Geuskens, T. van Bree (2021). Banen in Beeld; Werkgelegenheid gerelateerd aan investeringen in  de energietransitie in Rotterdam [Jobs at Sight; Employment effect of investment in the energy transition in  Rotterdam], TNO report 2021 P11614 



Díaz Lanchas, J., P. Mulder (2021). Does Decentralization of Governance Promote Urban Diversity? Evidence from Spain. Regional Studies 55, 1111-1128. 






Straver, K., L. Middlemiss, M. Hesselman, M. Feenstra, P. Mulder, S. Tirado Herrero (2020). Energiearmoede en de Energietransitie [Energy Poverty and  the Energy Transition], TNO White Paper.  




Fevriera, S., H.L.F. de Groot and P. Mulder (2020). Does Urban Form Affect Motorcycle Use? Evidence from Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 4 May.




Dobis, E.A., M.S. Delgado, R.J.G.M. Florax and P. Mulder (2020). Spatial Contagion, Hierarchy, and Population: American cities 1990-2010. Journal of Economic Geography 20, 397-418.






Berenschot, W. and P. Mulder (2019). Explaining regional variation in local governance: clientelism and state-dependency in Indonesia. World Development 122, 233-244.

Link (Science Direct)



Kurniawan, H, H.L.F. de Groot and P. Mulder (2019), Are poor provinces catching-up the rich provinces in Indonesia?, Regional Science, Policy and Practice 11, 89-108.



Mahumane, G.M. and P. Mulder (2019), Expanding versus greening? Long-term energy and emission transitions in Mozambique, Energy Policy 126, 145-156.

Link (Science Direct)





Bakens J, R.J.G.M. Florax and P. Mulder (2018), Ethnic Drift and White Flight: A Gravity Model of Neighborhood Formation, Journal of Regional Science 58, 921-948.

Link (Wiley Online Library)





Mahumane, G.M. and P. Mulder (2016), Introducing MOZLEAP: an integrated long-run scenario model of the emerging energy sector of Mozambique, Energy Economics 59, 275-289.

Link (Science Direct)





Wan, J., K. Baylis and P. Mulder (2015), Trade-Facilitated Technology Spillovers in Energy Productivity Convergence Processes across EU Countries, Energy Economics 48, 253–264. 

Link (Science Direct)



Mulder, P. (2015), International Specialization, Structural Change and the Evolution of Manufacturing Energy Intensity in OECD Countries, The Energy Journal  36(3), pp. 111-136.

Data Annex (286.1 KB)



Data sets available




Mulder, P., H.L.F. de Groot and B. Pfeiffer (2014), Dynamics and determinants of energy intensity in the service sector: A cross-country analysis, 1980–2005, Ecological Economics 100, pp. 1-15.

Link (Science Direct)



Andadari, R.K., Mulder, P. and P. Rietveld (2014), Energy poverty reduction by fuel switching. Impact evaluation of the LPG conversion program in Indonesia, Energy Policy 66, pp. 436–449

Link (Science Direct)



Bakens, J., H.L.F. de Groot, P. Mulder, C.J. Pen (2014). Soort zoekt soort. Clustering en sociaal-economische scheidslijnen in Nederland. Platform 31.




Pfeiffer, B. and P. Mulder (2013), Explaining the Diffusion of Renewable Energy Technology in Developing Countries, Energy Economics 40, pp. 285–296

Link (Science Direct)


(Reprinted in: Fouquet, R. (ed.), Economics of Renewable Energy, vol. 347 in The International Library of  Critical Writings in Economics series. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.)


Bakens, J., P. Mulder and P. Nijkamp (2013), Economic impacts of cultural diversity in The Netherlands: productivity, utility and sorting, Journal of Regional Science 53, pp. 8-36.  

Link (Wiley)



Mulder, P. and H.L.F. de Groot (2013), Dutch sectoral energy intensity developments in international perspective, 1987–2005, Energy Policy 52, pp. 501-512.

Link (Science Direct)


Data sets available




Mulder, P. and H.L.F. de Groot (2012), Structural change and convergence of energy intensity across OECD countries, 1970–2005, Energy Economics 34, pp. 1910–1921

Annex (190.94 KB)

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Data sets available


Mulder, P., P. Nijkamp, R. Stough (2012), Spatial Economic Analysis 7 (3), 2012. Guest editor Special Issue:  Modelling Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. 




Florax, R.J.G.M., H.L.F. de Groot and P. Mulder (2011). Improving Energy Efficiency through Technology: Trends, Investment Behaviour and Policy Design. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Edward Elgar



Mulder, P., H.L.F. de Groot (2011), Energy Intensity across Sectors and Countries: Empirical Evidence 1980– 2005, CPB Discussion Paper 171, The Hague: CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis. 


Mulder, P., Florax, R.J.G.M. and H.L.F. de Groot (2011). A Spatial Perspective on Global Energy Productivity Trends, in: R.J.G.M. Florax, H.L.F. de Groot and P. Mulder (eds), Improving Energy Efficiency through Technology: Trends, Investment Behaviour and Policy Design, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2011.


Mulder, P. and H.L.F. de Groot (2011). Energy Productivity Performance Across 14 OECD Countries: The Role of Energy-Extensive Sectors, in: R.J.G.M. Florax, H.L.F. de Groot and P. Mulder (eds), Improving Energy Efficiency through Technology: Trends, Investment Behaviour and Policy Design, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2011.




Bucuane, A.J. and P. Mulder (2009), Prospects for an electricity tax, in: Arndt, C. and F. Tarp (eds.), Taxation in a Low-Income Economy – The case of Mozambique, pp.302-327. London/NewYork: Routledge.




Bucuane, A.J. and P. Mulder (2009), Expanding exploitation of natural resources in Mozambique: Will it be a blessing or a curse?, in: Brito, L. de, C. Castel-Branco, S. Chichava and A. Fransisco (eds.), Reflecting on Economic Questions, pp. 104-153. Maputo: IESE.






Mulder, P. and Tembe, J. (2008), Rural electrification in an imperfect world: a case study from Mozambique. Energy Policy 36, pp. 2785–94.

Link (Springer)


Data sets available


Mulder, P. (2008), Samaritanendom, Radix 34, 146-176. [On (dis)benefits of development aid]


Mulder, P. and J.C.J.M. van den Bergh (2008), Evolutionary Economic Theories of Sustainable Development, in: Witt, U. (ed.), Recent Developments In Evolutionary Economics, vol. 228 in The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics series. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Edward Elgar





Mulder, P., H.L.F. de Groot (2007), Sectoral Energy- and Labour Productivity Convergence, Environmental and Resource Economics, 36, pp. 85-11

Annex (455.37 KB)

Dataset (237.5 KB)

Link (Springer)


(Reprinted in: L. Bretschger and S. Smulders (2007, eds), Sustainable Resource Use and Economic Dynamics,  165–190, Springer, Dordrecht.)


Mulder, P., H.L.F. de Groot (2007), Sectoral Energy- and Labour Productivity Convergence, in: Bretschger, L. and S. Smulders (eds.), Sustainable Resource Use and Economic Dynamics, pp. 165-190. Dordrecht: Springer






Mulder, P. (2006). Energy Outlook Mozambique, DNEAP Discussion Paper No.53E.




Miketa, A. and P. Mulder (2005), Energy-Productivity across Developed and Developing Countries in 10 Manufacturing Sectors: Patterns of Growth and Convergence, Energy Economics  27, pp. 429-453




Mulder, P. (2005). The Economics of Technology Diffusion and Energy Efficiency. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Edward Elgar





De Groot, H.L.F., M.W. Hofkes and P. Mulder (2004), A Vintage Model of Technology Diffusion: The effects of learning-by-doing and returns to diversity, in: Brakman and Heijdra (eds), The Monopolistic Competition Revolution after Twenty-Five Years, pp.356-372. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Cambridge University Press


Mulder, P., H.L.F. de Groot (2004), Decoupling Economic Growth and Energy Use. An Empirical Cross-Country  Analysis for 10 Manufacturing Sectors, Tinbergen Discussion Paper 04-005/3, Amsterdam/Rotterdam: Tinbergen Institute. 


Mulder, P. (2004), NEMO: CPB’s energievraagmodel tussen top-down and bottom-up (‘NEMO: CPB’s energy demand model between top-downand bottom-up’), Kwartaalschrift Economie; 1(2), pp. 131-153

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Mulder, P. H.L.F. de Groot and F.A.G. den Butter (2004). De Energie- en Arbeidsproductiviteit van Nederland in Internationaal Perspectief (‘Dutch energy- and Labour-productivity in international perspective’), in: H.R.J. Vollebergh, W. van Groenendaal, M.W. Hofkes and R. Kemp (eds), Milieubeleid, Technologische Ontwikkeling en de Nederlandse Economie, Den Haag, SDU, pp. 101-125.


De Groot, H.L.F., M.W. Hofkes, P. Mulder and J.A. Smulders (2004). Dynamiek van Technologie-Ontwikkeling: Innovatie, Adoptie en Diffusie (‘Dynamics of technology development: innovation, adoption and diffusion’), in: H.R.J. Vollebergh, W. van Groenendaal, M.W. Hofkes and R. Kemp (eds), Milieubeleid en Technologische Ontwikkeling in de Nederlandse Economie, Den Haag, SDU, pp. 45-63.




Mulder, P., H.L.F. de Groot and M.W. Hofkes (2003), Explaining Slow Diffusion of Energy-Saving Technologies. A vintage model with returns to diversity and learning-by-using, Resource and Energy Economics 25, pp.105-126.

Link (Science Direct)



Den Butter, F.A.G., H.L.F. de Groot and P. Mulder (2003), Energie en Arbeid: Vrienden of Vijanden? (‘Energy and Labour: Friends or Foes?’), Economisch Statistische Berichten 88, no.4407, pp. 295-297





De Groot, H.L.F., P. Mulder, D.P. van Soest (2002). Subsidising the Adoption of Energy-Saving Technologies: Analyzing the Impact of Uncertainty, Learning and Maturation, OCFEB Research Memorandum, no. 0201,  Rotterdam: OCFEB. 


Mulder, P. (2002), Globalisering, of hoe meer mensen meer met elkaar te maken hebben, Radix 28, 159-168.


Mulder, P., H.L.F. de Groot (2002). Leren Vereist Investeren, ESB, 85, no.4284, 980-982.




Mulder, P. and J.C.J.M. van den Bergh (2001), Evolutionary Economic Theories of Sustainable Development, Growth and Change 32, pp. 110-134

Link (Wiley)


(Reprinted in: Witt, U. (ed.), Recent Developments In Evolutionary Economics, vol. 228 in The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics series. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.) 


Mulder, P., H.L.F. de Groot and M.W. Hofkes (2001), Economic Growth and Technological Change. A comparison of insights from a neo-classical and evolutionary perspective, Technological Forecasting and Social Change 68, pp. 151-171

Link (Science Direct)





De Groot, H.L.F., P. Mulder (2000). Leren, Weten en Vergeten, ESB 85, no.4270, 687.

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